Coping with the lockdown by Mags Beardow

It’s been a strange and, in some cases, difficult week for many people as the reality of being locked down and the limiting of our movements actually hits.  It’s been a strange time to be a counsellor too, in some cases moving to working online or by telephone, in some cases losing work as the financial implications hit clients and in some cases dealing with the feelings of fear and anxiety not from clients, but from our family and friends.  I’ve put together some tips which I hope might help; these are some things the Halcyon counsellors are recommending to clients and some are things that we are also doing ourselves.  I hope they help. 

1. Set and stick to a routine.  Make sure you go to sleep and wake up at a reasonable time and plan what you are going to do so you've got a structure to the day.

2. Get showered, wash your face and brush your teeth and get dressed as you would on a typical day.

3. Make contact with friends or family at least once a day. You might not be able to meet up physically but how about meeting up virtually? Check out technology and apps such as House Party, Google Duo, Zoom or Skype which will keep you connected. Text and call friends and family to both give, and get support.

4. Make sure you get outside at least once a day. If you're self-isolating or shielding yourself or living with someone who your windows or put a fan on to get a blast of air.

5. Get Physical! If you are unable to go outside or it makes you feel nervous there are loads of workouts on YouTube to get you moving or  stick a physically active game on the games console or play your favourite playlist on Spotify and dance with abandon :-)

6. Make sure you drink enough fluids and eat well. It's really easy to forget to stay hydrated, skip meals or snack all day but it's important for your mental health that you nourish your body.

7. Make your own self-care first aid kit. Instead of plasters and bandages get together things that soothe, calm or make you happy. These link into your senses so things you can smell, touch, hear, taste and see. So your favourite song, a candle or perfume/oil you're fond of, pictures of a favourite holiday or place, a stuffed toy, a throw or blanket, a favourite chocolate's really up to you.

8. Be kind to yourself. These are extraordinary times so be kind and be patient with yourself, you're doing your best.

9. Following on from point 8. Be kind and be patient with others. Being confined with people no matter how much you love them is going to test everyone's patience. You can choose whether to walk away from or join an argument. You can choose whether to hold grudges or to let them go.

10. Manage how much time you spend updating yourself on Coronavirus. Limit yourself to a couple of times a day. Remove news update notifications from your phone; your mobile constantly vibrating with updates can add to any anxiety and give you a feeling of being constantly on edge.

11. Focus on what you can control, not what you can't. This is important for you to maintain or give you a sense of personal power in a situation that could make you feel powerless.

12. Find something that absorbs and distracts you whether that's doing a jigsaw, learning a new language or learning to cross stitch! This takes your focus away from what is happening on the outside world.

13. Actively seek out fun and humour to balance out the worry that we are all feeling; whether that's watching a comedy film on Netflix, binge watching your favourite comedy show or playing a funny board

14. Take it one day (or one hour or one minute if needs be) at a time. Try to focus on the present and not too far into the future.

15. Remind (and keep reminding yourself) that the situation is only temporary. As scary and as uncertain as it can feel at the moment, this will pass.

Take care
