Individual and Group Supervision

Both Kathy and Mags are qualified supervisors and are able to offer supervision to individuals and groups.

Kathy Saville - Counsellor and Clinical Supervisor
Telephone & Online Supervision

07967 831053
Skype: Kathy.saville3

I am a qualified and experienced supervisor of counselling practice.  My supervision training was a mixture of Person Centred, Gestalt and Transactional Analysis and I qualified at the Manchester Institute of Psychotherapy. Supervision both giving and receiving is an intellectual and emotional challenge. It provides a space to explore and reflect not just upon the client work or dynamic but to also examine what it challenges you as an individual with, being open to that challenge is where the growth happens.
Learning, changing and growing is essential for our health as human beings, but becomes even more important when we carry the responsibility of working with and influencing often vulnerable others, who may be struggling to function, or relate to significant others in their own lives. As a counsellor I recognise the essential skill of enabling change, of being a catalyst for enquiry and then for change. As a supervisor this works on two levels, in the room with the supervisee and then through their process with their client. This requires even more care and responsibility than the counselling process itself.

I work with the seven–eyed supervision process model, where we focus on the client and what and how they present and on an exploration of the strategies and interventions used by the supervisee, the relationship between the client and the supervisee and also on focusing on the supervisee and on the supervisory relationship itself and finally on my own process as a supervisor and the wider context in which the supervision happens.

I think it is rare to find a supervisor who can challenge and support, but also allow you to be totally honest and vulnerable and who can support you both as a professional and an individual. As a supervisor that is who I would hope to be and it is what I expect from my own supervision.

Mags Beardow - Counsellor and Clinical Supervisor
Face to Face supervision - Halifax, Online & Telephone Supervision

07923 448821

I am a trained and qualified supervisor and currently supervise a number of qualified and trainee counsellors as well as supervising other mental health practitioners and support workers. My supervisees counsel and work in a range of settings such as hospices, rape crisis centres, charitable and low cost counselling agencies, schools, colleges, universities and domestic violence agencies as well as privately so I feel comfortable supervising practitioners working in a range of settings. I also facilitate group supervision for groups of counsellors and other allied professionals.

My Certificate and Diploma in Supervision focused on using Page & Wosket’s Cyclical Model of Supervision as a framework and this supporting structure allows me to offer a restorative, nurturing space for supervisees where hopefully they feel held and supported, but equally appropriately challenged.  In order to create this space, I feel that the building of a strong, open and non-judgemental supervisory relationship is key; and as with a therapeutic relationship the importance of offering the core conditions to my supervisees is the foundation of this relationship. The Cyclical model is a structure which is containing, but not constraining.  I like the flexibility of the model and although systematic there is a fluidity which allows the supervisory process to be focused on the individual needs of the supervisee. 

Whilst I believe that Supervision can play an educative role,  I am mindful that this needs to be balanced with the purposes of supervision as  if this always become the focus then the opportunity for supervisees to learn and grow within their own practice is diminished.

Please do contact me to arrange a chat to see if together we feel I am the right supervisor for you.

Overlooking Halifax, West Yorkshire