Hello and a warm welcome to Halcyon Counselling.

We’re a group of counsellors who work in Halifax, West Yorkshire but also offer online and telephone counselling. We work together as being a counsellor can be a lonely business but also because we have a similar approach to counselling (oh and because we actually like and get on with each other!).

We work with lots of different types of people from all walks of life and who come to counselling for many different reasons. Regardless of the reason why someone comes to counselling we treat and respect them as an individual, not a diagnosis, nor an issue.

We’ve written a blog aimed at explaining what counselling is to clear up any confusion but also to encourage more people to seek the support and help of a counsellor. It’s called What on Earth is Counselling? which we feel is an appropriate title :-)

We know it can be a scary or unsettling experience to seek out counselling; particularly when you feel that you should be able to deal with what’s troubling you without outside help.  All Halcyon counsellors have been in a similar position with all of us having had our own counselling.

We therefore feel it’s our job as counsellors to put you at ease, to begin as we mean to go on, by being open and honest so that together we can build a relationship that allows you to talk about what’s affecting or concerning you openly.  We know how important this was to us when we were the client. We’re experienced in working with clients on both a short term and on an open ended basis; but overall it’s you who is in charge. You decide how long you wish to attend counselling for. We also feel it’s important that people have a choice about how they access counselling too. So we all offer online and telephone counselling as well as face to face counselling; in case you feel more comfortable with one of those approaches or feel they fit your lifestyle better.


☎ Contact Us

Contact details for each of our counsellors are below. Check out our profiles in the Our Counsellors section to see which counsellor you feel would suit you best.

Mags Beardow - Halifax, Online & Telephone
07923 448821

Kathy Saville - Online & Telephone
07967 831053
Skype: Kathy.saville3

Ian Wood - Halifax, Online & Telephone
07421 878693


Peaceful, Gentle, Calm
— Halcyon Definition
Counselling Halifax UK